How it works

On this example it is shown how to create a pyforms application, and how to execute it on the three different environments, the GUI, Web, and Terminal.

Build an app

Create the file and add the next code to it.

from pyforms.basewidget import BaseWidget
from pyforms.controls   import ControlFile
from pyforms.controls   import ControlText
from pyforms.controls   import ControlSlider
from pyforms.controls   import ControlPlayer
from pyforms.controls   import ControlButton

class ComputerVisionAlgorithm(BaseWidget):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__('Computer vision algorithm example')

        #Definition of the forms fields
        self._videofile  = ControlFile('Video')
        self._outputfile = ControlText('Results output file')
        self._threshold  = ControlSlider('Threshold', default=114, minimum=0, maximum=255)
        self._blobsize   = ControlSlider('Minimum blob size', default=110, minimum=100, maximum=2000)
        self._player     = ControlPlayer('Player')
        self._runbutton  = ControlButton('Run')

        #Define the function that will be called when a file is selected
        self._videofile.changed_event = self.__video_file_selection_event
        #Define the event that will be called when the run button is processed
        self._runbutton.value = self.run_event
        #Define the event called before showing the image in the player
        self._player.process_frame_event = self.__process_frame

        #Define the organization of the Form Controls
        self._formset = [
            ('_videofile', '_outputfile'),
            ('_blobsize', '_runbutton'),

    def __video_file_selection_event(self):
        When the videofile is selected instanciate the video in the player
        self._player.value = self._videofile.value

    def __process_frame(self, frame):
        Do some processing to the frame and return the result frame
        return frame

    def run_event(self):
        After setting the best parameters run the full algorithm
        print("The function was executed", self._videofile.value)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from pyforms import start_app

Execute the app in GUI mode

By default the GUI mode is active.

Now execute in the terminal the next command:

$ python

You will visualize the next window:


Execute the app in TERMINAL mode

Now execute in the terminal the next command:

$ python terminal_mode --help
usage: [-h] [--_videofile _VIDEOFILE] [--_outputfile _OUTPUTFILE]
              [--_threshold _THRESHOLD] [--_blobsize _BLOBSIZE]
              [--exec EXEC] [--load LOAD]

positional arguments:
  terminal_mode         Flag to run pyforms in terminal mode

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --_videofile _VIDEOFILE
  --_outputfile _OUTPUTFILE
                        Results output file
  --_threshold _THRESHOLD
  --_blobsize _BLOBSIZE
                        Minimum blob size
  --exec EXEC           Function from the application that should be executed.
                        Use | to separate a list of functions.
  --load LOAD           Load a json file containing the pyforms form

Set some parameters and execute the function run_event:

$ python terminal_mode --_videofile "/home/ricardo/Documents/pictures4presentations/3dscene.mp4" --exec run_event

The output will be:

The function was executed /home/ricardo/Documents/pictures4presentations/3dscene.mp4

Configure the local_setttings to TERMINAL mode

Create the file in the application running directory and set the mode in which the application will run.

# This flag is used by the module confapp to set these settings as high priority.

# The variable is used by pyforms to define the mode it will run.
# It can has the value 'GUI', 'WEB' or 'TERMINAL'.

You can now run the application in terminal mode without using the parameter terminal_mode.

$ python --_videofile "/home/ricardo/Documents/pictures4presentations/3dscene.mp4" --exec run_event

Execute the app in WEB mode

For information about how to execute the app in WEB mode check the documentation at Pyforms-web@ReadTheDocs.
