Source code for pyforms_web.basewidget

    from .controls.control_player import ControlPlayer

from .controls.control_base     import ControlBase
from .controls.control_label    import ControlLabel
from .controls.control_button   import ControlButton

from .web.middleware   import PyFormsMiddleware

from pyforms_web.organizers import no_columns, segment
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from .utils import make_lambda_func
from confapp import conf

import uuid, os, inspect, dill, simplejson, filelock
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
[docs]class BaseWidget(object): """ The class implements a application form """ # TODO: Implement this URLS = None #: list(str): Django urls to be added to the file TITLE = None #: str: Title of the application. #: int or str: Id of the layout handler function registered in the javascript by the function [pyforms.register_layout_place] or Element DOM id in the HTML where the application should be shown. LAYOUT_POSITION = None #: str: Time in milliseconds to refresh the application. REFRESH_TIMEOUT = None #: list(str): List of django groups authorized to run the application AUTHORIZED_GROUPS = None #: str: Css classes to add to the form. CSS = '' #: str: Static files to include in the page STATIC_FILES = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str title: Title of the app. By default will assume the value in the class variable TITLE. :param BaseWidget parent_win: Parent BaseWidget **Example:** .. code:: python class FeedViewerApp(BaseWidget): TITLE = 'Feed viewer' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._likebtn = ControlButton(label_visible=False, labeled=True) self._htmlviewer = ControlTemplate('Html', template=self.VIEWER_TEMPLATE) self.formset = ['_likebtn', '_htmlviewer'] """ self._formset = None self._splitters = [] self._title = kwargs.get('title', args[0] if len(args)>0 else self.TITLE) self._formLoaded = False self._controls = [] self._html = '' self._js = '' self._css = kwargs.get('css', self.CSS) self.refresh_timeout= kwargs.get('refresh_timeout', self.REFRESH_TIMEOUT) self._close_widget = False self.init_form_result = None self._uid = self.UID if hasattr(self, 'UID') and self.UID else 'a'+str(uuid.uuid4()) self._messages = [] self._js_code2execute = []; self.parent = kwargs.get('parent_win', None) self.is_new_app = True if not self.has_session_permissions(PyFormsMiddleware.user()): raise PermissionDenied('The user does not have access to the app [{0}]'.format(self.title)) PyFormsMiddleware.add(self) ############################################################################ ############ FUNCTIONS ##################################################### ############################################################################
[docs] def init_form(self, parent=None): """ Generate the application Form. Return the dict: .. code:: python { 'code': ..., # HTML code that will initialize the application. 'title': ..., # Title of the application. 'css': ..., # Application CSS. 'app_id': ..., # Application id. 'refresh_timeout': ... # Application refresh time. } """ self._html = '' self._js = '' self._controls = [c.init_form() for c in self.controls.values()] if self._formset != None: self._html += self.generate_panel(self._formset) parent_code = 'undefined' if parent: parent_code = "'{0}'".format(parent.uid) extra_data = {'refresh_timeout': self.refresh_timeout, 'messages':self._messages} modulename = inspect.getmodule(self).__name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ self._js = '[{0}]'.format(",".join(self._controls)) self._html += """ <script type="text/javascript">pyforms.add_app( new BaseWidget('{2}', '{0}', {1}, {3}, {4}) );{extra_code}</script> """.format(modulename, self._js, self.uid, parent_code, simplejson.dumps(extra_data), extra_code=';'.join(self._js_code2execute)) self._formLoaded = True self._messages = [] self.mark_to_update_client() res = { 'code': self._html, 'title': self._title, 'css': self._css, 'app_id':self.uid, 'refresh_timeout': self.refresh_timeout } return res
def generate_segment(self, row): """ Generate the html to organize the formset in segments """ html = "<div class='field {field_css}' style='{field_style}' ><div class='ui segment pyforms-segment {css}' style='{style}' >".format( css=row.css,, field_css=row.field_css, field_style=row.field_style) html += self.generate_panel( list(row) ) html += "</div></div>" return html
[docs] def generate_nocolumns(self, formset): """ Generate the html for the no_columns organizer """ layout = "<div class='row fields {size} {css}' style='{style}' >".format( size=self.__get_fields_class(formset), css=formset.css, ) for row in formset: layout += self.generate_panel( row ) return layout+"</div>"
def generate_tabs(self, formsetdict): """ Generate QTabWidget for the module form @param formset: Tab form configuration @type formset: dict """ tabs_head = "" tabs_body = "" tab_id = uuid.uuid4() for index, (key, item) in enumerate( sorted(formsetdict.items()) ): if item is None: continue active = 'active' if index==0 else '' tabs_body += "<div class='ui bottom attached {3} tab segment' data-tab='{4}-{5}' id='{0}-tab{1}' >{2}</div>".format(tab_id, index, self.generate_panel(item), active, tab_id, index) tabs_head += "<div class='{1} item' data-tab='{2}-{3}' >{0}</div>".format(key[key.find(':')+1:], active, tab_id, index) return """<div id='{0}' class='ui top attached tabular menu' >{1}</div>{2}<script type='text/javascript'>$('#{0}.menu .item').tab();</script>""".format(tab_id, tabs_head, tabs_body) def generate_control(self, row): control = self.controls.get(row, None) if control==None: if row==' ': return "<div class='field' ></div>" if row.startswith('empty:'): return "<div class='field {0} wide' ></div>".format(row[6:]) elif row.startswith('h1:'): return "<h1 class='field' >{0}</h1>".format(row[3:]) elif row.startswith('h1-right:'):return "<h1 class='ui right aligned header field' >{0}</h1>".format(row[9:]) elif row.startswith('h2:'): return "<h2 class='field' >{0}</h2>".format(row[3:]) elif row.startswith('h2-right:'):return "<h2 class='ui right aligned header field' >{0}</h2>".format(row[9:]) elif row.startswith('h3:'): return "<h3 class='field' >{0}</h3>".format(row[3:]) elif row.startswith('h3-right:'):return "<h3 class='ui right aligned header field' >{0}</h3>".format(row[9:]) elif row.startswith('h4:'): return "<h4 class='field' >{0}</h4>".format(row[3:]) elif row.startswith('h4-right:'):return "<h4 class='ui right aligned header field' >{0}</h4>".format(row[9:]) elif row.startswith('h5:'): return "<h5 class='field' >{0}</h5>".format(row[3:]) elif row.startswith('h5-right:'):return "<h5 class='ui right aligned header field' >{0}</h5>".format(row[9:]) elif row.startswith('info:'): return "<div class='ui info visible message'>{0}</div>".format(row[5:]) elif row.startswith('warning:'): return "<div class='ui warning visible message'>{0}</div>".format(row[8:]) elif row.startswith('alert:'): return "<div class='ui error visible message'>{0}</div>".format(row[6:]) elif row.startswith('msg:'): return "<div class='ui message'>{0}</div>".format(row[4:]) elif row.startswith('text:'): return "<div class='field'>{0}</div>".format(row[5:]) elif row == '-': return "<div class='ui clearing divider'></div>" else: return row else: return str(control)
[docs] def generate_panel(self, formset): """ Generate a panel for the application form with all the controls: :param list formset: formset configuration, used to generate the panel. **Example:** .. code-block:: python [ no_columns('_toggle_btn','_copy_btn', '_css_btn'), ' ', ('empty:twelve','_input'), '_text', { 'a:Free text': [ 'h1:Header 1', 'h2:Header 2', 'h3:Header 3', 'h4:Header 4', 'h5:Header 5', 'h1-right:Header 1', 'h2-right:Header 2', 'h3-right:Header 3', 'h4-right:Header 4', 'h5-right:Header 5', '-', 'Free text here', 'msg:Message text', 'info:Info message', 'warning:Warning message', 'alert:Alert message' ], 'b:Segments': [ 'The next example has a segment', segment( '_combo', '_check', css='secondary' ), '_list', '_label' ] } ] - **tuple**: displays the controls horizontally. - **list**: displays the controls vertically. - **dict**: displays the controls in Tabs. - Use [a:,b:,c:] prefix to sort the tabs. - **'-'**: Draw a vertical line. - **' '**: Empty column. - **Empty column**: Use ' ', or the prefix 'empty:' + size of the column (ex: one, two, ..., sixteen) to add a empty column. - **segment**: Wraps the formset around a segment (Semantic UI segment). - Call the parameter **css**, to add extra classes to the segment. - **no_columns**: Do not apply the fields columns alignments. - **Free text**: Do not apply the fields columns alignments. - **Message**: By using the prefixes [msg:,info:,warning:,alert:] you will wrap a free message on message box. - **Headers**: Use the prefixes [h1:,h2:,h3:,h4:,h5:,h1-right:,h2-right:,h3-right:,h4-right:,h5-right:] on free text. """ if formset is None: return '' elif 'notifications-area' == formset: return "<div class='notifications-area field'></div>" elif '=' in formset: index = list( formset ).index('=') return "<div id='{splitter_id}' class='horizontalSplitter' ><div>{top}</div><div>{bottom}</div></div>".format( splitter_id = uuid.uuid4(), top = self.generate_panel(formset[0:index]), bottom = self.generate_panel(formset[index+1:]) ) elif '||' in formset: index = list( formset ).index('||') return "<div id='{splitter_id}' class='verticalSplitter' ><div>{left}</div><div>{right}</div></div>".format( splitter_id = uuid.uuid4(), left = self.generate_panel(formset[0:index]), right = self.generate_panel(formset[index+1:]) ) elif isinstance(formset, tuple ): layout = "<div class='row fields {0}' >".format(self.__get_fields_class(formset)) for row in formset: layout += self.generate_panel( row ) return layout+"</div>" elif isinstance(formset, no_columns ): return self.generate_nocolumns(formset) elif isinstance(formset, segment): return self.generate_segment(formset) elif isinstance(formset, list): layout = "" for row in formset: if row == ' ': layout += "<div class='field-empty-space' ></div>" else: layout += self.generate_panel( row ) return layout elif isinstance(formset, dict ): return self.generate_tabs(formset) else: return self.generate_control(formset)
def save_form(self, data={}, path=None): """ Called to save the form TODO """ pass def load_form(self, data, path=None): """ Called to load a form TODO """ pass def save_window(self): pass def load_window(self): pass def load_form_filename(self, filename): """ Load the forms from a file TODO """ pass
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the application """ self.mark_to_update_client() self._close_widget = True
[docs] def message(self, msg, title=None, msg_type=None): """ Write a simple message. :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param str msg_type: Message box css class. """ msg = { 'type': msg_type if msg_type else '', 'messages':msg if isinstance(msg, list) else [msg], 'title':title } self._messages.append(msg) self.mark_to_update_client()
[docs] def success(self, msg, title=None): """ Write a success message :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. """ self.message(msg, title, msg_type='success')
[docs] def info(self, msg, title=None): """ Write a info message :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. """ self.message(msg, title, msg_type='info')
[docs] def warning(self, msg, title=None): """ Write a warning message :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. """ self.message(msg, title, msg_type='warning');
[docs] def alert(self, msg, title=None): """ Write a alert message :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. """ self.message(msg, title, msg_type='error')
[docs] def message_popup(self, msg, title='', buttons=None, handler=None, msg_type=''): """ Show a popup message window :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param list(str) buttons: List of buttons labels to create in the popup window. :param str msg_type: Message box css class. :param method handler: Method that will handle the press of the buttons. .. code:: python # Handler def button_pressed_btn(popup=[Popup instance], button=[Label of the pressed button]): ... """ self._active_popup_msg = PopupWindow(title, msg, buttons, handler, msg_type=msg_type, parent_win=self) return self._active_popup_msg
[docs] def success_popup(self, msg, title='', buttons=None, handler=None): """ Show a popup success message window :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param list(str) buttons: List of buttons labels to create in the popup window. :param method handler: Method that will handle the press of the buttons. """ return self.message_popup(msg, title, buttons, handler, msg_type='positive')
[docs] def info_popup(self, msg, title='', buttons=None, handler=None): """ Show a popup info message window :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param list(str) buttons: List of buttons labels to create in the popup window. :param method handler: Method that will handle the press of the buttons. """ return self.message_popup(msg, title, buttons, handler, msg_type='info')
[docs] def warning_popup(self, msg, title='', buttons=None, handler=None): """ Show a popup warning message window :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param list(str) buttons: List of buttons labels to create in the popup window. :param method handler: Method that will handle the press of the buttons. """ return self.message_popup(msg, title, buttons, handler, msg_type='warning')
[docs] def alert_popup(self, msg, title='', buttons=None, handler=None): """ Show a popup alert message window :param str msg: Message to show. :param str title: Message title. :param list(str) buttons: List of buttons labels to create in the popup window. :param method handler: Method that will handle the press of the buttons. """ return self.message_popup(msg, title, buttons, handler, msg_type='error')
########################################################################## ############ WEB functions ############################################### ########################################################################## def __get_fields_class(self, row): """ Get the css class to be used on the controls organization """ if isinstance(row, no_columns): return 'no-alignment' if len(row)==2: return 'two' elif len(row)==3: return 'three' elif len(row)==4: return 'four' elif len(row)==5: return 'five' elif len(row)==6: return 'six' elif len(row)==7: return 'seven' elif len(row)==8: return 'eight' elif len(row)==9: return 'nine' elif len(row)==10: return 'ten' elif len(row)==11: return 'eleven' elif len(row)==12: return 'twelve' elif len(row)==13: return 'thirteen' elif len(row)==14: return 'fourteen' elif len(row)==15: return 'fiveteen' elif len(row)==16: return 'sixteen' elif len(row)==17: return 'seventeen' elif len(row)==18: return 'eighteen' elif len(row)==19: return 'nineteen' elif len(row)==20: return 'twenty' elif len(row)==21: return 'twentyone' elif len(row)==22: return 'twentytwo' else: return ''
[docs] def commit(self): """ Save all the application updates to a file, so it can be used in the next session. """ for key, item in self.controls.items(): item.commit() user = PyFormsMiddleware.user() # save the modifications userpath = os.path.join( conf.PYFORMS_WEB_APPS_CACHE_DIR, '{0}-{1}'.format(, user.username) ) if not os.path.exists(userpath): os.makedirs(userpath) app_path = os.path.join(userpath, "{0}.app".format(self.uid) ) lock = filelock.FileLock(conf.PYFORMS_WEB_LOCKFILE) with lock.acquire(timeout=4): with open(app_path, 'wb') as f: dill.dump(self, f, protocol=4)
[docs] def execute_js(self, code): """ This function executes a javascript remotely on the client side. :param str code: Javascript code to execute. """ self._js_code2execute.append(code) self.mark_to_update_client()
[docs] def mark_to_update_client(self): """ Used to flag pyforms that the application was updated and the updates should be sent to the client side """ request = PyFormsMiddleware.get_request() if request is not None and \ hasattr(request,'updated_apps'): request.updated_apps.add_top(self)
[docs] def deserialize_form(self, params): """ Load the json parameters sent by the client side :param dict params: Data to load. """ widgets = [] #if hasattr(self, 'parent') and isinstance(self.parent, str): # self.parent = PyFormsMiddleware.get_instance(self.parent) for key, value in params.items(): control = self.controls.get(key, None) if control!=None: if control.__class__.__name__=='ControlEmptyWidget': widgets.append( (control, params[key]) ) else: control.deserialize(params[key]) for control, data in widgets: control.deserialize(data) if 'event' in params.keys(): control = params['event']['control'] if control in self.controls.keys(): item = self.controls[control] func = getattr(item, params['event']['event']) func() elif control=='self': func = getattr(self, params['event']['event']) func()
[docs] def serialize_form(self): """ Serialize the Form to a control. Returns: dict: Data representings the current state of the application. """ res = { 'uid': self.uid, 'layout_position': self.LAYOUT_POSITION if hasattr(self, 'LAYOUT_POSITION') else 5, 'title': self.title, 'close_widget': self._close_widget, 'js-code': list(self._js_code2execute), 'refresh_timeout': self.refresh_timeout } self._js_code2execute = [] if len(self._messages)>0: res.update({'messages': self._messages}) if self._formLoaded: self._messages = [] for key, item in self.controls.items(): if item.was_updated: res[item._name] = item.serialize() try: if isinstance(item, ControlPlayer ) and item._value!=None and item._value!='': item._value.release() #release any open video except: pass if self.parent: self._parent_win_id = self.parent.uid return res
[docs] @classmethod def has_permissions(cls, user): """ This class method, verifies if a user has permissions to execute the application :param User params: User to availuate the permissions. """ if hasattr(cls, 'AUTHORIZED_GROUPS') and cls.AUTHORIZED_GROUPS is not None: if user.is_superuser and 'superuser' in cls.AUTHORIZED_GROUPS: return True if user.groups.filter(name__in=cls.AUTHORIZED_GROUPS).exists(): return True else: return True return False
[docs] def has_session_permissions(self, user): """ It verifies if a user has permissions to execute the application during the runtime. :param User params: User to availuate the permissions. """ return self.has_permissions(user)
########################################################################## ############ EVENTS ###################################################### ########################################################################## def before_close_event(self): """ Function called before the Form is closed. TODO """ pass ########################################################################## ############ WEB events ################################################## ##########################################################################
[docs] def refresh_event(self): """ Event called every X time defined by REFRESH_TIMEOUT variable. """ pass
############################################################################ ############ Properties #################################################### ############################################################################ @property def controls(self): """ Returns all the form controls from the the module """ result = {} for name, var in vars(self).items(): if isinstance(var, ControlBase): var._name = name var.parent = self result[name]= var return result @property def form(self): """ Return the basewidget html. The html is based on the 'basewidget-template.html' template """ return render_to_string( os.path.join('pyforms', 'basewidget-template.html'), {'application_html': self._html, 'application_id': self.uid} ) @property def title(self): """ Return and set the title of the application """ return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value): self._title = value @property def mainmenu(self): """ Return and set the mainmenu TODO """ return None @mainmenu.setter def mainmenu(self, value): pass @property def formset(self): """ Return and set the controls organization in the form """ return self._formset @formset.setter def formset(self, value): self._formset = value @property def uid(self): """ Return and set the application unique identifier """ return self._uid @uid.setter def uid(self, value): self._uid = value @property def visible(self): """ Return a boolean indicating if the form is visible or not """ return True @property def refresh_timeout(self): """ Return a boolean indicating if the form is visible or not """ return self._refresh_timeout @refresh_timeout.setter def refresh_timeout(self, value): self._refresh_timeout = value @property def parent(self): if hasattr(self, '_parent_win_id'): return PyFormsMiddleware.get_instance(self._parent_win_id) else: return self._parent_win @parent.setter def parent(self, value): if hasattr(self, '_parent_win_id'): del self._parent_win_id self._parent_win = value self.mark_to_update_client() ############################################################################ ############ WEB Properties ################################################ ############################################################################ @property def js(self): """ Return the form javascript """ return self._js
class PopupWindow(BaseWidget): LAYOUT_POSITION = conf.LAYOUT_NEW_WINDOW def __init__(self, title, msg, buttons, handler, msg_type, parent_win=None): BaseWidget.__init__(self, title, parent_win=parent_win) self._label = ControlLabel(default=msg) self._label.field_css = msg_type buttons_formset = [] if buttons: for i, b in enumerate(buttons): name = 'button_{0}'.format(i) setattr(self, name, ControlButton(b, label_visible=False)) getattr(self, name ).value = make_lambda_func(handler, popup=self, button=b) buttons_formset.append(name) self.formset = ['_label'] + ([no_columns(buttons_formset)] if buttons_formset else [])