Source code for pyforms_web.widgets.django.modeladmin

from pyforms_web.basewidget                     import BaseWidget, segment
from pyforms_web.controls.control_button        import ControlButton
from pyforms_web.controls.control_querylist     import ControlQueryList
from pyforms_web.controls.control_emptywidget   import ControlEmptyWidget
from pyforms_web.web.middleware                 import PyFormsMiddleware
from .modelform                                 import ModelFormWidget
from django.db                                  import models

[docs]class ModelAdminWidget(BaseWidget): """ The class is used to generate an admin interface for ModelAdmin.MODEL. .. code:: python from suppliers.models import Suplier class SupplierAdminApp(ModelAdminWidget): MODEL = Supplier TITLE = 'Suppliers' """ MODEL = None #: class: Model to manage TITLE = None #: str: Title of the application EDITFORM_CLASS = ModelFormWidget #: class: Edit form class ADDFORM_CLASS = None #: class: Create form class USE_DETAILS_TO_ADD = True #: boolean: Use the flag to create the ControlEmptyWidget self._details. This control is used to load the ADDFORM_CLASS. USE_DETAILS_TO_EDIT = True #: boolean: Use the flag to create the ControlEmptyWidget self._details. This control is used to load the EDITFORM_CLASS. INLINES = [] #: list(class): Sub models to show in the interface LIST_FILTER = None #: list(str): List of filters fields LIST_DISPLAY = None #: list(str): List of fields to display in the table LIST_HEADERS = None #: list(str): Table columns headers. It will override the LIST_DISPLAY LIST_COLS_SIZES = None #: list(str): Table columns sizes. Should use style units. LIST_COLS_ALIGN = None #: list(str): Table columns alignments. Should use style units. SEARCH_FIELDS = None #: list(str): Fields to be used in the search EXPORT_CSV = False #: boolean: Flag to activate the export of data to csv. The value of this flag is overwritten by the function has_export_csv_permissions EXPORT_CSV_COLUMNS = None #: list(str): List of fields to export to the csv file. By default it will assume the fields in the LIST_DISPLAY variable EXPORT_CSV_HEADERS = {} #: dict(str: str): Provide custom header labels to fields listed in EXPORT_CSV_COLUMNS, e.g. {'date': 'Procedure Date'} CONTROL_LIST = ControlQueryList #: class: Control to be used in to list the values FIELDSETS = None #: Formset of the edit form READ_ONLY = [] #: list(str): List of readonly fields LIST_ROWS_PER_PAGE = 10 #: int: number of rows to show per page LIST_N_PAGES = 5 #: int: number of pages to show in the list bottom #: str: Label of the add button ADD_BTN_LABEL = '<i class="plus icon"></i> Add' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str title: Title of the app. By default will assume the value in the class variable TITLE. :param django.db.models.Model model: Model the App will manages. By default will assume the value in the class variable MODEL. :param class editform_class: Class used to generate the edition form. By default will assume the value in the class variable EDITFORM_CLASS. :param int parent_pk: (optional) Used to generate the inline interface. Primary key of the parent model :param Model parent_model: (optional) Used to generate the inline interface. Parent model """ title = kwargs.get('title') if 'title' in kwargs else self.TITLE self.model = kwargs.get('model') if 'model' in kwargs else self.MODEL self.editmodel_class = kwargs.get('editform_class') if 'editform_class' in kwargs else self.EDITFORM_CLASS self.addmodel_class = kwargs.get('addform_class', self.ADDFORM_CLASS if self.ADDFORM_CLASS else self.editmodel_class) # Set the class to behave as inline ModelAdmin ######## self.parent_field = None self.parent_pk = kwargs.get('parent_pk', None) self.parent_model = kwargs.get('parent_model', None) if self.parent_model and self.parent_pk: self.set_parent(self.parent_model, self.parent_pk) BaseWidget.__init__(self, title, *args, **kwargs) user = PyFormsMiddleware.user() ####################################################### self._list = self.CONTROL_LIST( 'List', headers = self.LIST_HEADERS if self.LIST_HEADERS else None, list_display = self.LIST_DISPLAY if self.LIST_DISPLAY else [], list_filter = self.LIST_FILTER if self.LIST_FILTER else [], search_fields= self.SEARCH_FIELDS if self.SEARCH_FIELDS else [], rows_per_page= self.LIST_ROWS_PER_PAGE, n_pages = self.LIST_N_PAGES, export_csv = self.has_export_csv_permissions(user), export_csv_columns = self.get_export_csv_columns(user), export_csv_headers = self.EXPORT_CSV_HEADERS, columns_size=self.LIST_COLS_SIZES if self.LIST_COLS_SIZES else None, columns_align=self.LIST_COLS_ALIGN if self.LIST_COLS_ALIGN else None, ) has_details = self.USE_DETAILS_TO_ADD or self.USE_DETAILS_TO_EDIT if has_details: self._details = ControlEmptyWidget('Details', visible=False) ############################################## # Check if the add button should be included has_add_permission = self.has_add_permissions() and self.addmodel_class is not None if has_add_permission: self._add_btn = ControlButton( self.ADD_BTN_LABEL, label_visible=False, default=self.show_create_form ) if self.parent_model: self._add_btn.css = 'tiny basic blue' ############################################## self.toolbar = self.get_toolbar_buttons(has_add_permission=has_add_permission) if self.parent_model: self.formset = [ self.toolbar, '_details' if has_details else None, '_list', ] else: self.formset = [ '_details' if has_details else None, segment( self.toolbar, '_list' ), ] self._list.item_selection_changed_event = self.__list_item_selection_changed_event #if it is a inline app, add the title to the header if self.parent_model and self.title: self.formset = ['h3:'+str(title)]+self.formset self.populate_list() ################################################################################# #### PROPERTIES ################################################################# ################################################################################# @property def selected_row_object(self): """ django.db.models.Model: Return the current selected row object. If no row is selected return None. """ if int(self._list.selected_row_id)<0: return None return self._list.value.get(pk=self._list.selected_row_id) ################################################################################# #### FUNCTIONS ################################################################## #################################################################################
[docs] def get_toolbar_buttons(self, has_add_permission=False): """ This function generate the formset configuration for the top buttons, Returns: list(str): Returns the formset configuration that will be append to the end of the fieldsets. """ return '_add_btn' if has_add_permission else None
[docs] def populate_list(self): """ Function called to configure the CONTROL_LIST to display the data """ self._list.value = self.__get_queryset() # force the list to be updated self._list.mark_to_update_client()
[docs] def get_queryset(self, request, queryset): """ The function retrives the queryset used to polulate the list. :param django.db.models.query.QuerySet queryset: Default queryset used to populate the list. This queryset may have already applied the next filters: - If this class is being used as a inline app, the filters to select only the rows related with the parent app are applied. - If the model being managed by this class has a function called get_queryset(request, queryset), the filters applied by this function are applied. (this helps maintaining the visualization rules on the side of the model) Returns: django.db.models.query.QuerySet: Returns the queryset used to populate the list. """ return queryset
[docs] def hide_form(self): """ Function called to hide the form """ # hide details if hasattr(self, '_details'): self._details.hide() # show the buttons, only if the they exists: toolbar = [self.toolbar] if isinstance(self.toolbar, str) else self.toolbar if toolbar: for o in toolbar: if o and hasattr(self, o): getattr(self, o).show() self._list.selected_row_id = -1 self.populate_list()
[docs] def show_create_form(self): """ Show an empty for for creation """ # if there is no add permission then does not show the form if not self.has_add_permissions(): return params = { 'title':'Create', 'model':self.model, 'parent_model':self.parent_model, 'parent_pk':self.parent_pk, 'parent_win': self } if self.INLINES: params.update({'inlines':self.INLINES}) if self.FIELDSETS: params.update({'fieldsets':self.FIELDSETS}) if self.READ_ONLY: params.update({'readonly':self.READ_ONLY}) createform = self.addmodel_class(**params) if hasattr(self, '_details') and self.USE_DETAILS_TO_ADD: self._list.hide() self._details.value = createform toolbar = [self.toolbar] if isinstance(self.toolbar, str) else self.toolbar if toolbar: for o in toolbar: if o and hasattr(self, o): getattr(self, o).hide() else: if hasattr(self, '_details'): self._details.hide()
[docs] def show_edit_form(self, obj_pk=None): """ Show the edition for for a specific object :param int obj_pk: Primary key of the object to be show in the edit form. """ obj = self.model.objects.get(pk=obj_pk) # if there is no edit permission then does not show the form if not self.has_view_permissions(obj): return # create the edit form a add it to the empty widget details # override the function hide_form to make sure the list is shown after the user close the edition form params = { 'title':'Edit', 'model':self.model, 'pk', 'parent_model':self.parent_model, 'parent_pk':self.parent_pk, 'parent_win': self } if self.INLINES: params.update({'inlines': self.INLINES} ) if self.FIELDSETS: params.update({'fieldsets':self.FIELDSETS}) if self.READ_ONLY: params.update({'readonly': self.READ_ONLY}) editmodel_class = self.get_editmodel_class(obj) editform = editmodel_class(**params) if hasattr(self, '_details') and self.USE_DETAILS_TO_EDIT: self._details.value = editform self._list.hide() # only if the button exists: toolbar = [self.toolbar] if isinstance(self.toolbar, str) else self.toolbar if toolbar: for o in toolbar: if o and hasattr(self, o): getattr(self, o).hide() else: if hasattr(self, '_details'): self._details.hide()
[docs] def get_editmodel_class(self, obj): """ Gets the pyforms app to edit the object :param django.db.models.Model obj: Object to be edited """ return self.editmodel_class
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent_model, parent_pk): """ Function called to set prepare the Application to work as an inline :param django.db.models.Model parent_model: Model of the parent Edition form :param int parent_pk: Primary key of the parent object """ self.parent_pk = parent_pk self.parent_model = parent_model for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): if issubclass(parent_model, field.related_model): self.parent_field = field break
[docs] def has_add_permissions(self): """ Function called to check if one has permission to add new objects. Returns: bool: True if has add permission, False otherwise. """ queryset = self.model.objects.all() if hasattr(queryset, 'has_add_permissions'): return queryset.has_add_permissions( PyFormsMiddleware.user() ) else: return True
[docs] def has_view_permissions(self, obj): """ Function called to check if one has permission to view the current queryset. :param django.db.models.Model obj: object to view. Returns: bool: True if has view permissions, False otherwise. """ queryset = self.model.objects.filter( if hasattr(queryset, 'has_view_permissions'): return queryset.has_view_permissions( PyFormsMiddleware.user() ) else: return True
[docs] def has_remove_permissions(self, obj): """ Function called to check if one has permission to remove the current queryset. :param django.db.models.Model obj: object to remove. Returns: bool: True if has remove permissions, False otherwise. """ return True
[docs] def has_update_permissions(self, obj): """ Function called to check if one has permission to update the current queryset. :param django.db.models.Model obj: object to update. Returns: bool: True if has update permissions, False otherwise. """ return True
[docs] def has_export_csv_permissions(self, user): """ Function called to check if one has permission to export the objects to csv. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User: User to check the permission. Returns: bool: True if has permissions, False otherwise. """ return self.EXPORT_CSV
[docs] def get_export_csv_columns(self, user): """ Function called to get the columns for the csv export. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User: User to check the permission. Returns: list(str): List of columns names. """ return self.EXPORT_CSV_COLUMNS if self.EXPORT_CSV_COLUMNS is not None else self.LIST_DISPLAY
################################################################################# #### PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ########################################################## ################################################################################# def __list_item_selection_changed_event(self): """ Event called when a row is selected. It shows the edition for row. """ obj = self.selected_row_object if obj: # if the user has edit permission then if self.has_view_permissions(obj): self.object_pk = self._list.selected_row_id = None self.show_edit_form( else: raise Exception('You do not have permissions to visualize this record.') def __get_queryset(self): """ """ queryset = self.model.objects.all() #used to filter the model for inline fields if self.parent_field: queryset = queryset.filter(**{ self.parent_pk}) # check if the model has a query_set function # if so use it to get the data for visualization request = PyFormsMiddleware.get_request() if hasattr(queryset, 'list_permissions'): queryset = queryset.list_permissions(request.user) if hasattr(self.model, 'get_queryset'): queryset = self.model.get_queryset(request, queryset) return self.get_queryset(request, queryset)