Source code for pyforms_web.widgets.django.modelform

from pyforms_web.basewidget                         import BaseWidget, no_columns
from pyforms_web.controls.control_textarea           import ControlTextArea
from pyforms_web.controls.control_text               import ControlText
from pyforms_web.controls.control_integer            import ControlInteger
from pyforms_web.controls.control_float              import ControlFloat
from pyforms_web.controls.control_decimal            import ControlDecimal
from pyforms_web.controls.control_combo              import ControlCombo
from pyforms_web.controls.control_autocomplete       import ControlAutoComplete
from pyforms_web.controls.control_date               import ControlDate
from pyforms_web.controls.control_datetime           import ControlDateTime
from pyforms_web.controls.control_button             import ControlButton
from pyforms_web.controls.control_emptywidget        import ControlEmptyWidget
from pyforms_web.controls.control_fileupload         import ControlFileUpload
from pyforms_web.controls.control_checkbox           import ControlCheckBox
from pyforms_web.web.middleware import PyFormsMiddleware
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError, FieldDoesNotExist, NON_FIELD_ERRORS
from .utils import get_fieldsets_strings
import traceback
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
import os
from confapp import conf

from pyforms_web.utils import get_lookup_verbose_name

import datetime
from django.utils import timezone

import string
import random

[docs]class ModelFormWidget(BaseWidget): """ When a Pyforms application inherit from this class a form for the model ModelFormWidget.MODEL is created. **Usage example:** .. code:: python from funding.models import FundingOpportunity class EditFundingOpportunitiesApp(ModelFormWidget): TITLE = "Edit opportunities" MODEL = FundingOpportunity FIELDSETS = [ 'h2:Opportunity details', segment([ ('subject','fundingopportunity_published','fundingopportunity_rolling'), ('fundingopportunity_name','fundingopportunity_end'), ('_loi','fundingopportunity_loideadline', 'fundingopportunity_fullproposal'), ('fundingopportunity_link','topics'), ]), 'h2:Financing info', segment([ ('financingAgency','currency','paymentfrequency'), ('fundingtype','fundingopportunity_value','fundingopportunity_duration'), ]), 'h2:Description', segment([ 'fundingopportunity_eligibility', 'fundingopportunity_scope', 'fundingopportunity_brifdesc', ]) ] """ MODEL = None #: class: Model to manage TITLE = None #: str: Title of the application INLINES = [] #: list(class): Sub models to show in the interface FIELDSETS = None #: Formset of the edit form READ_ONLY = [] #: list(str): List of readonly fields #: bool: Flag to show or hide the cancel button HAS_CANCEL_BTN_ON_EDIT = True #: bool: Flag to show or hide the cancel button HAS_CANCEL_BTN_ON_ADD = True #: bool: Close the application on remove CLOSE_ON_REMOVE = False #: bool: Close the application on cancel CLOSE_ON_CANCEL = False #: bool: Call populate_list function of the parent application when object is saved, updated or deleted POPULATE_PARENT = True #: str: Label for the save button SAVE_BTN_LABEL = '<i class="save icon"></i> Save' #: str: Label for the create button CREATE_BTN_LABEL = '<i class="plus icon"></i> Create' #: str: Label for the cancel button CANCEL_BTN_LABEL = '<i class="hide icon"></i> Close' #: str: Label for the delete button REMOVE_BTN_LABEL = '<i class="trash alternate outline icon"></i> Remove' #: str: Label for the popup window for the delete confirmation POPUP_REMOVE_TITLE = 'The next objects are going to be affected or removed' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str title: Title of the app. By default will assume the value in the class variable TITLE. :param django.db.models.Model model: Model with the App will represent. By default will assume the value in the class variable MODEL. :param list(ModelAdminWidget) inlines: Sub models to show in the interface :param list(str) fieldsets: Organization of the fields :param int parent_pk: Parent model key :param django.db.models.Model parent_model: Parent model class :param int pk: Model register to manage """ title = kwargs.get('title') if 'title' in kwargs else self.TITLE self.object_pk = kwargs.get('pk', None) self.model = self.MODEL if self.MODEL else kwargs.get('model') BaseWidget.__init__(self, title, *args, **kwargs ) self.update_permissions_variables() if self.object_pk: if not self._has_view_permissions: self.formset = ['alert:No permissions'] return else: if not self._has_add_permissions: self.formset = ['alert:No permissions'] return self.fieldsets = self.get_fieldsets(kwargs.get('fieldsets', self.FIELDSETS)) self.readonly = self.get_readonly(kwargs.get('readonly', self.READ_ONLY)) self.has_cancel_btn = kwargs.get('has_cancel_btn', self.HAS_CANCEL_BTN_ON_ADD if self.object_pk is None else self.HAS_CANCEL_BTN_ON_EDIT) self.inlines = self.INLINES if len(self.INLINES)>0 else kwargs.get('inlines', self.INLINES) if self.fieldsets is None: self.fieldsets = self.FIELDSETS self._auto_fields = [] self._callable_fields = [] self.edit_fields = [] self.edit_buttons = [] self.inlines_apps = [] self.inlines_controls_name = [] self.inlines_controls = [] # used to configure the interface to inline # it will filter the dataset by the foreign key self.parent_field = None self.parent_pk = kwargs.get('parent_pk', None) self.parent_model = kwargs.get('parent_model', None) if self.parent_model and self.parent_pk: self.__set_parent(self.parent_model, self.parent_pk) ####################################################### # Create the edit buttons buttons ##################### if self._has_update_permissions: self._save_btn = ControlButton(self.SAVE_BTN_LABEL, label_visible=False, default=self.save_btn_event) self.edit_buttons.append( self._save_btn ) if self._has_add_permissions: self._create_btn = ControlButton(self.CREATE_BTN_LABEL, label_visible=False, default=self.__create_btn_event) self.edit_buttons.append( self._create_btn ) if self._has_remove_permissions: self._remove_btn = ControlButton(self.REMOVE_BTN_LABEL, css='red basic', label_visible=False, default=self.__remove_btn_event) self.edit_buttons.append( self._remove_btn ) if self.has_cancel_btn: self._cancel_btn = ControlButton(self.CANCEL_BTN_LABEL, css='gray basic', label_visible=False, default=self.cancel_btn_event) self.edit_buttons.append( self._cancel_btn ) self.edit_fields += self.edit_buttons ####################################################### # In case the edition form is being used as inline #### # set the buttons for tiny size ####################### if self.parent_model: for btn in self.edit_buttons: btn.css +=' tiny' ####################################################### self.create_model_formfields() if self.object_pk: self.show_edit_form(pk=self.object_pk) else: self.show_create_form() ################################################################################# #### PROPERTIES ################################################################# ################################################################################# @property def parent_object(self): if self.parent_pk and self.parent_model: try: return self.parent_model.objects.get(pk=self.parent_pk) except self.parent_object.DoesNotExist: return None else: return None @property def model_object(self): """ django.db.models.Model object: Return the current object in edition. """ if self.object_pk is None: return None else: queryset = self.model.objects.all() # check if the model has a query_set function # if so use it to get the data for visualization if hasattr(self.model, 'get_queryset'): request = PyFormsMiddleware.get_request() queryset = self.model.get_queryset(request, queryset) try: return queryset.get(pk=self.object_pk) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return None ################################################################################# #### FUNCTIONS ################################################################## #################################################################################
[docs] def update_permissions_variables(self): if self.object_pk: self._has_update_permissions = self.has_update_permissions() else: self._has_update_permissions = False self._has_add_permissions = self.has_add_permissions() self._has_view_permissions = self.has_view_permissions() if self.object_pk: self._has_remove_permissions = self.has_remove_permissions() else: self._has_remove_permissions = False
[docs] def get_readonly(self, default): """ The function returns the readonly fields to be set in the form. :param list(str) default: Default readonly configuration. Returns: list(str): Read only fields. Check class variable READ_ONLY to know more about it. """ return default
[docs] def get_fieldsets(self, default): """ The function returns the fieldsets organization to be set in the form. :param list(str) default: Default fieldsets configuration. Returns: list(str): fieldsets. Check class variable FIELDSETS to know more about it. """ return default
[docs] def get_buttons_row(self): """ This function generate the formset configuration for the save, create, cancel and remove buttons, Returns: list(str): Returns the formset configuration that will be append to the end of the fieldsets. """ buttons = [] if self._has_update_permissions: buttons.append('_save_btn') if self._has_add_permissions: buttons.append('_create_btn') if self.has_cancel_btn: buttons.append('_cancel_btn') if self._has_remove_permissions: buttons.append('_remove_btn') return [no_columns(*buttons)]
[docs] def hide_form(self): """ This functions hides the create and edit form. """ if self.parent and hasattr(self.parent, 'hide_form'): self.parent.hide_form() else: for field in self.edit_fields: field.hide() for field in self.inlines_controls: field.hide()
[docs] def show_form(self): """ This shows the create and edit form. """ for field in self.edit_fields: for field in self.inlines_controls:
[docs] def cancel_btn_event(self): """ Event called when the cancel button is pressed """ # for orquestra try: if self.LAYOUT_POSITION in [conf.ORQUESTRA_NEW_WINDOW,conf.ORQUESTRA_NEW_TAB]: self.close() except: pass # close the application on cancel if self.CLOSE_ON_CANCEL: self.close() # the application has a ModelAdmin app as parent. Call parent hide_form elif hasattr(self.parent, 'hide_form'): self.parent.hide_form()
[docs] def show_create_form(self): """ This function prepares the fields to be shown as create form. """ #check if it has permissions to add new registers if not self._has_add_permissions: raise Exception('Your user does not have permissions to add') fields2show = self.get_visible_fields_names() self.__update_related_fields() # clear all the fields present in the model for field_name in fields2show: if hasattr(self, field_name): try: field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name) pyforms_field = getattr(self, field_name) if not hasattr(field, 'default') or field.default==models.fields.NOT_PROVIDED: pyforms_field.value = None elif callable(field.default): pyforms_field.value = field.default() elif isinstance(field, models.DecimalField) and type(field).__name__ == 'MoneyField': if field.default: pyforms_field.value = field.default.amount else: pyforms_field.value = field.default else: pyforms_field.value = field.default if field.get_internal_type() in ('CharField', 'TextField') and field.blank: pyforms_field.value = '' except FieldDoesNotExist: pass for field in self.edit_fields: for inline in self.inlines_controls: inline.hide() if self._has_update_permissions: self._save_btn.hide() if self._has_remove_permissions: self._remove_btn.hide()
[docs] def update_callable_fields(self): """ Update the callable fields after the form is saved. """ if not self._callable_fields: return obj = self.model_object if obj is None: return for field_name in self._callable_fields: pyforms_field = getattr(self, field_name) value = getattr(obj, field_name)() pyforms_field.value = value
[docs] def update_autonumber_fields(self): """ Update the auto number fields after the form is saved. """ if not self._auto_fields: return obj = self.model_object if obj is None: return for field_name in self._auto_fields: pyforms_field = getattr(self, field_name) value = getattr(obj, field_name) pyforms_field.value = value
[docs] def show_edit_form(self, pk=None): """ This function prepares the fields to be shown as edit form. :param int pk: Primary key of the object to be show in the edit form. Returns: :django.db.models.Model object: Returns the object in edition. """ if pk: self.object_pk = pk if not self._has_view_permissions: raise Exception('Your user does not have permissions to save') for field in self.edit_fields: for field in self.inlines_controls: if self._has_add_permissions: self._create_btn.hide() self.__update_related_fields() obj = self.model_object fields2show = self.get_visible_fields_names() for field_name in fields2show: if hasattr(self, field_name) and hasattr(obj, field_name): pyforms_field = getattr(self, field_name) value = getattr(obj, field_name) try: field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: try: field = getattr(self.model, field_name) except AttributeError: continue if callable(field) and not isinstance(field, models.Model): pyforms_field.value = value() elif field_name in self.readonly: if isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): pyforms_field.value = ';'.join([str(o) for o in value.all()]) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime ): if not value: pyforms_field.value = '' else: value = timezone.localtime(value) pyforms_field.value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') elif isinstance(value, ): if not value: pyforms_field.value = '' else: pyforms_field.value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: if field.choices: for v, l in field.choices: if v==value: pyforms_field.value = l break else: pyforms_field.value = value elif isinstance(field, models.DecimalField) and type(field).__name__ == 'MoneyField': # support django-money MoneyField pyforms_field.value = value.amount elif isinstance(field, models.AutoField): pyforms_field.value = value elif isinstance(field, models.FileField): pyforms_field.value = value.url if value else None elif isinstance(field, models.ImageField): pyforms_field.value = value.url if value else None elif isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): pyforms_field.value = if value else None elif isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): pyforms_field.value = [str( for o in value.all()] else: pyforms_field.value = value self.inlines_apps = [] for inline in self.inlines: pyforms_field = getattr(self, inline.__name__) pyforms_field._name = inline.__name__ app = inline(parent_model=self.model, parent_pk=self.object_pk, parent_win=self) self.inlines_apps.append(app) pyforms_field.value = app self.update_permissions_variables() if hasattr(self, '_save_btn'): if self._has_update_permissions: else: self._save_btn.hide() if hasattr(self, '_remove_btn'): if self._has_remove_permissions: else: self._remove_btn.hide() return obj
[docs] def delete_event(self): """ Function called to delete the current object in edition. Returns: :bool: True if the object was deleted with success, False if not. """ if self.object_pk: obj = self.model_object obj.delete() self.object_pk = None if self._has_remove_permissions: self._remove_btn.hide() if self._has_add_permissions: if self._has_update_permissions: self._save_btn.hide() for field in self.inlines_controls: field.hide() if self.parent: self.parent.populate_list() return True else: return False
[docs] def popup_remove_handler(self, popup=None, button=None): """ Function that handles the buttons events of the object delete confirmation popup. :param BaseWidget popup: Popup application. :param str button: Label of the pressed button. """ if button==self.CANCEL_BTN_LABEL: popup.close() elif button==self.REMOVE_BTN_LABEL: if self.delete_event(): self.success('The object was deleted with success!','Success!') popup.close() if self.CLOSE_ON_REMOVE: self.close() else: popup.warning('The object was not deleted!','Warning!')
[docs] def create_newobject(self): """ Function called to create a new object of the model. Returns: :django.db.models.Model object: Created object """ return self.model()
[docs] def save_object(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Function called to save the object It validates the form fields values. :param django.db.models.Model obj: Object to save. :param dict kwargs: Any named argument passed to this function will be passed to the Model save method. Example:**kwargs). """ ### validate form values**kwargs) return obj
[docs] def validate_object(self, obj): """ Function called the model object :param django.db.models.Model obj: Object to validate. Returns: :django.db.models.Model object: Created object or None if the object was not saved with success. """ # Validate the object try: obj.full_clean() except ValidationError as e: obj = None # Found errors, the object was not saved html = '<ul class="list">' for field_name, messages in e.message_dict.items(): try: if hasattr(self, field_name): getattr(self, field_name).error = True label = get_lookup_verbose_name(self.model, field_name) html += '<li><b>{0}</b>'.format(label) field_error = True elif field_name==NON_FIELD_ERRORS: field_error = False else: html += '<li><b>{0}</b>'.format(field_name) field_error = True except FieldDoesNotExist: field_error = False if field_error: html += '<ul>' for msg in messages: html += '<li>{0}</li>'.format(msg) if field_error: html += '</ul></li>' html+= '</ul>' raise Exception(html) return obj
[docs] def update_object_fields(self, obj): """ Update the obj fields values with the form inputs values :param django.db.models.Model obj: Object to update the values. Returns: :django.db.models.Model: Updated object. """ # if it is working as an inline edition form # if self.parent_field: setattr(obj,, self.parent_model.objects.get(pk=self.parent_pk) ) fields2show = self.get_visible_fields_names() for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): # ignore fields that are not in the formset if not in fields2show: continue # ignore read only fields if in self.readonly: continue pyforms_field = getattr(self, value = pyforms_field.value # if AutoField if isinstance(field, models.AutoField): continue # if FileField elif isinstance(field, models.FileField): getattr(self, = False # get the temporary path of the file tmp_filepath = getattr(self, if tmp_filepath: # get the temporary filename tmp_filename = os.path.basename(tmp_filepath) # in case the upload_to is callable get if callable(field.upload_to): # in the case the upload_to property it is a function filepath = field.upload_to(obj, tmp_filename) filename = os.path.basename(filepath) dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) else: dirpath = field.upload_to filename = tmp_filename try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, dirpath)) except os.error as e: pass paths = [p for p in value.split(os.path.sep) if len(p)>0][1:] from_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,*paths) if os.path.exists(from_path): to_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, dirpath, filename) while os.path.exists(to_path): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) sufix = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(3)]) filename = name+'_'+sufix+ext to_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, dirpath, filename) os.rename(from_path, to_path) url = '/'.join([dirpath]+[filename]) if url[0]=='/': url = url[1:] setattr(obj,, url) elif field.null: setattr(obj,, None) else: setattr(obj,, '') # if ForeignKey elif isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): if value is not None: try: value = field.related_model.objects.get(pk=value) except: self.alert( 'The field [{0}] has an error.'.format(field.verbose_name) ) pyforms_field.error = True else: value = None setattr(obj,, value) elif and isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): pyforms_field.error = False getattr(obj,[] if value is None else value) # all other fields except the ManyToManyField elif not isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): pyforms_field.error = False if isinstance(field, models.CharField) and value is None and field.null is False: value = '' if value == '' and field.null: value = None setattr(obj,, value) return obj
[docs] def save_form_event(self, obj): """ Function handling the form save. This function, updates the obj with the form values, validate the obj fields, and call the save_event function. :param django.db.models.Model obj: Model object used for the save. Returns: :boolean: It returns True or False if the save was successfully. """ user = PyFormsMiddleware.user() # decides if an object is going to be created or updated new_object = is None try: obj = self.update_object_fields(obj) obj = self.validate_object(obj) return self.save_event(obj, new_object) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.alert(str(e)) return False
[docs] def save_event(self, obj, new_object): """ Function handling the form save. This function, updates the obj with the form values, validate the obj fields, and call the save_event function. :param django.db.models.Model obj: Model object used for the save. Returns: :boolean: It returns True or False if the save was successfully. """ obj = self.save_object(obj) obj = self.save_related_fields(obj) self.object_pk = self.update_callable_fields() self.update_autonumber_fields() # Add object mode if new_object: if self.parent and obj: # it is being use from a ModelAdminWidget # update the parent list if self.POPULATE_PARENT: self.parent.populate_list() self.cancel_btn_event() self.parent.show_edit_form( self.parent.success('The object <b>{0}</b> was saved with success!'.format(obj),'Success!') elif obj: # it is executing as a single app if self._has_add_permissions: self._create_btn.hide() if self._has_update_permissions: if self._has_remove_permissions: self.inlines_apps = [] for inline in self.inlines: pyforms_field = getattr(self, inline.__name__) pyforms_field._name = inline.__name__ app = inline( parent_model=self.model, parent_pk=self.object_pk ) self.inlines_apps.append(app) pyforms_field.value = app self.success('The object <b>{0}</b> was saved with success!'.format(obj),'Success!') # Update object mode else: if obj: self.success('The object <b>{0}</b> was saved with success!'.format(obj),'Success!') # update the parent list if self.POPULATE_PARENT and self.parent: self.parent.populate_list() for inline in self.inlines_apps: inline.populate_list() return True
################################################################################# #### PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ########################################################## ################################################################################# def __set_parent(self, parent_model, parent_pk): """ Set the form to work as inline :param django.db.models.Model parent_model: Parent model. :param int parent_pk: Parent object primary key. """ self.parent_pk = parent_pk self.parent_model = parent_model for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): if issubclass(parent_model, field.related_model): self.parent_field = field break
[docs] def get_visible_fields_names(self): """ Function called to get names of the visible fields. Returns: :list(str): List names of the visible fields. """ if self.fieldsets: fields = get_fieldsets_strings(self.fieldsets) else: fields = [] for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): if field.one_to_many: continue if field.one_to_one and'_ptr'): continue fields.append( if self.parent_field: try: fields.remove( except ValueError: pass return [field for field in fields if field is not None]
def __update_related_fields(self): """ Update all related fields """ fields2show = self.get_visible_fields_names() formset = [] for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): if not isinstance( field, (models.ForeignKey,models.ManyToManyField) ): continue if not in fields2show: continue #only update this field if is visible if in self.readonly: continue pyforms_field = getattr(self, queryset = field.related_model.objects.all() #limit_choices = field.get_limit_choices_to() #if limit_choices: # queryset = queryset.filter(**limit_choices) queryset = self.get_related_field_queryset(field, queryset) self.update_related_field(field, pyforms_field, queryset)
[docs] def create_model_formfields(self): """ Create the model edition form. """ fields2show = self.get_visible_fields_names() formset = [] for field_name in fields2show: # if the field already exists then ignore the creation if hasattr(self, field_name): continue try: field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name) except FieldDoesNotExist: try: field = getattr(self.model, field_name) except AttributeError: continue if hasattr(field, "field"): # follow relationships,e.g. ManyToManyRel field = field.field required = (not field.blank and not field.has_default()) if not callable(field) else False if not (callable(field) and not isinstance(field, models.Model)): label = get_lookup_verbose_name(self.model, field_name) # if it is a function if callable(field) and not isinstance(field, models.Model): label = getattr(field, 'short_description') if hasattr(field, 'short_description') else field_name pyforms_field = ControlText( label, readonly=True) self._callable_fields.append( field_name ) # if it is read only elif in self.readonly: if isinstance(field, models.TextField): pyforms_field = ControlTextArea( label, readonly=True, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) else: pyforms_field = ControlText( label, readonly=True, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) # if it is AutoField elif isinstance(field, models.AutoField): pyforms_field = ControlText( label, readonly=True, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) self._auto_fields.append( field_name ) elif isinstance(field, models.Field) and field.choices: pyforms_field = ControlCombo( label, items=[ (c[1], c[0]) for c in field.get_choices(include_blank=field.blank) ], set_blank_to_null = field.null, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.BigIntegerField): pyforms_field = ControlInteger( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.BooleanField): pyforms_field = ControlCheckBox( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField): pyforms_field = ControlDateTime( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.DateField): pyforms_field = ControlDate( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.DecimalField): pyforms_field = ControlDecimal( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.FileField): pyforms_field = ControlFileUpload( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.FloatField): pyforms_field = ControlFloat( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.ImageField): pyforms_field = ControlFileUpload( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.IntegerField): pyforms_field = ControlInteger( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.PositiveIntegerField): pyforms_field = ControlInteger(label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text) elif isinstance(field, models.PositiveSmallIntegerField): pyforms_field = ControlInteger(label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text) elif isinstance(field, models.SmallIntegerField): pyforms_field = ControlInteger(label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text) elif isinstance(field, models.TextField): pyforms_field = ControlTextArea( label, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.NullBooleanField): pyforms_field = ControlCombo( label, items=[('Unknown', None), ('Yes', True), ('No', False)], default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): query = field.related_model.objects.all() limit_choices = field.get_limit_choices_to() if limit_choices: query = query.filter(**limit_choices) pyforms_field = ControlAutoComplete( label, queryset=query, queryset_filter=self.autocomplete_search, default=field.default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) elif isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField): query = field.related_model.objects.all() limit_choices = field.get_limit_choices_to() if limit_choices: query = query.filter(**limit_choices) pyforms_field = ControlAutoComplete( label, queryset=query, multiple=True, queryset_filter=self.autocomplete_search, required=required, helptext=field.help_text ) else: default = None if hasattr(field, 'default'): default = field.default pyforms_field = ControlText( label, default=default, required=required, helptext=field.help_text, ) # add the field to the application if pyforms_field is not None: setattr(self, field_name, pyforms_field) formset.append(field_name) self.edit_fields.append( pyforms_field ) #Create the inlines edition forms. self.inlines_controls_name = [] self.inlines_controls = [] for inline in self.inlines: pyforms_field = ControlEmptyWidget() = inline.__name__ pyforms_field._parent = self setattr(self, inline.__name__, pyforms_field) self.inlines_controls_name.append(inline.__name__) self.inlines_controls.append( pyforms_field ) self.formset = self.fieldsets if self.fieldsets else formset self.formset = self.formset + self.get_buttons_row()
def __create_btn_event(self): """ Event called by the create button """ if not self._has_add_permissions: raise Exception('You do not have permissions to add objects.') obj = self.create_newobject() self.save_form_event(obj)
[docs] def save_btn_event(self): """ Event called by the save button """ obj = self.model_object if obj is None: # The object is None, call the create event self.__create_btn_event() return else: if not self._has_update_permissions: raise Exception('You do not have permissions to update the object.') self.save_form_event(obj)
def __remove_btn_event(self): """ Event called by the remove button """ def related_objects(obj): objects = [] for rel in list(obj.__class__._meta.related_objects): f = { obj} rel_objects = rel.related_model.objects.filter(**f) for o in rel_objects: objects.append( (o, related_objects(o) ) ) return objects def related_objects_html(objects): html = "<ul>" for o, objs in objects: html += "<li>" html += "{1}: <b>{0}</b>".format( str(o), o.__class__._meta.verbose_name ) if len(objs)>0: html += related_objects_html(objs) html += "</li>" html += "</ul>" return html if self.object_pk: obj = self.model_object if not self._has_remove_permissions: raise Exception('Your user does not have permissions to remove the object') objects = obj, related_objects(obj) html = related_objects_html([objects]) popup = self.warning_popup(html, self.POPUP_REMOVE_TITLE, buttons=[self.REMOVE_BTN_LABEL,self.CANCEL_BTN_LABEL], handler=self.popup_remove_handler ) popup.button_0.css = 'basic red' # update the parent list if self.POPULATE_PARENT and self.parent: self.parent.populate_list()
[docs] def has_add_permissions(self): """ The functions returns if the user has permissions to add objects or not. Returns: bool: True if has add permissions, False otherwise. """ if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent and not self.parent.has_add_permissions(): return False queryset = self.model.objects.all() if hasattr(queryset, 'has_add_permissions'): return queryset.has_add_permissions( PyFormsMiddleware.user() ) else: return True
[docs] def has_view_permissions(self): """ The functions returns if the user has permissions to view the queryset or not. Returns: bool: True if has view permissions, False otherwise. """ if self.model_object is None: return True if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent and not isinstance(self.parent, ModelFormWidget) and not self.parent.has_view_permissions(self.model_object): return False queryset = self.model.objects.filter(pk=self.object_pk) if hasattr(queryset, 'has_view_permissions'): user = PyFormsMiddleware.user() return queryset.has_view_permissions( user ) else: return True
[docs] def has_session_permissions(self, user): return self.has_view_permissions()
[docs] def has_remove_permissions(self): """ The functions returns if the user has permissions to remove the current queryset or not. Returns: bool: True if has remove permissions, False otherwise. """ if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent and not isinstance(self.parent, ModelFormWidget) and not self.parent.has_remove_permissions(self.model_object): return False queryset = self.model.objects.filter(pk=self.object_pk) if hasattr(queryset, 'has_remove_permissions'): return queryset.has_remove_permissions( PyFormsMiddleware.user() ) else: return True
[docs] def has_update_permissions(self): """ The functions returns if the user has permissions to update the current queryset or not. Returns: bool: True if has update permissions, False otherwise. """ if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent and not isinstance(self.parent, ModelFormWidget) and not self.parent.has_update_permissions(self.model_object): return False queryset = self.model.objects.filter(pk=self.object_pk) if hasattr(queryset, 'has_update_permissions'): return queryset.has_update_permissions( PyFormsMiddleware.user() ) else: return True