Source code for pyforms_web.controls.control_base

import uuid
from confapp import conf
from pyforms_web.web.middleware import PyFormsMiddleware

[docs]class ControlBase(object): """ Basis class from where all the Controls inherit from. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str label: Control label. :param str helptext: Set the help text. Default = None. :param str default: Set the value. Default = None. :param bool visible: Set the control visible or hidden. Default = True. :param bool error: Mark the control as having and error. Default = False. :param str css: Extra css classes to add to the control. :param str field_css: Extra css classes to add to the field dive that encapsulates the control. :param str style: Extra style to add to the control. :param str field_style: Extra style to add to the field div that encapsulates the control. :param bool enabled: Set the control enabled or disabled. Default = True. :param bool readonly: Set the control as read only. Default = False. :param bool label_visible: Hide or show the label. Default = True. """ self.uid = 'c'+str(uuid.uuid4()) self._name = "" # variable name. It is updated in runtime self._parent = None # parent basewidget. It is updated in runtime self._update_client = False # flag that indicate if the Control should be updated self._help = kwargs.get('helptext', None) self._value = kwargs.get('default', None) self._required = kwargs.get('required', False) self._label = kwargs.get('label', args[0] if len(args)>0 else '') self._placeholder = kwargs.get('placeholder', '') self._visible = kwargs.get('visible', True) self._error = kwargs.get('error', False) self._css = kwargs.get('css', None) self._field_css = kwargs.get('field_css', None) self._style = kwargs.get('style', None) self._field_style = kwargs.get('field_style', None) self._enabled = kwargs.get('enabled', True) self._enabled = not kwargs.get('readonly', False) self._label_visible = kwargs.get('label_visible', True) if 'changed_event' in kwargs: self.changed_event = kwargs['changed_event'] def __repr__(self): return str(self._value) def __str__(self): """ Return the control html """ return "<span id='place-{0}-{1}' />".format(self.parent.uid if self.parent else '', self._name) ########################################################################## ############ Functions #################################################### ##########################################################################
[docs] def update_control_event(self): pass
[docs] def init_form(self): """ Render the control js """ return ""
def load_form(self, data, path=None): """ Load a value from the dict variable @param data: dictionary with the value of the Control """ if 'value' in data: self.value = data['value'] def save_form(self, data, path=None): """ Save a value to dict variable @param data: dictionary with to where the value of the Control will be added """ if self.value: data['value'] = self.value
[docs] def show(self): """ Show the control """ self.mark_to_update_client() self._visible = True
[docs] def hide(self): """ Hide the control """ self.mark_to_update_client() self._visible = False
def add_popup_submenu(self, label, submenu=None): pass def add_popup_menu_option(self, label, function_action=None, key=None, icon=None, submenu=None): """ Add an option to the Control popup menu @param label: label of the option. @param function_action: function called when the option is selected. @param key: shortcut key @param icon: icon """ pass ########################################################################## ############ Funcions for WEB version #################################### ##########################################################################
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize the control data. Returns: dict: Serialized data. """ res = { 'name':, 'value': self.value, 'label': str(self._label if self._label else ''), 'help': str(self._help if self._help else ''), 'placeholder': str(self._placeholder), 'visible': self._visible, 'error': self._error, 'enabled': self._enabled, 'label_visible': self._label_visible, 'required': self._required } if self._css is not None: res.update({'css':self._css}) if self._field_css is not None: res.update({'field_css':self._field_css}) if self._style is not None: res.update({'style':self._style}) if self._field_style is not None: res.update({'field_style':self._field_style}) return res
[docs] def deserialize(self, properties): """ Serialize the control data. :param dict properties: Serialized data to load. """ self.value = properties.get('value',None)
#self._label = properties.get('label','') #self._help = properties.get('help','') #self._visible = properties.get('visible',True) def clean_field(self): """ Validate the value of the Control. """ pass def commit(self): # don't send any apdate to the client self._update_client = False
[docs] def mark_to_update_client(self): """ Mark the control to update in the client side. """ self._update_client = True request = PyFormsMiddleware.get_request() if self.parent is not None and \ request is not None and \ hasattr(request,'updated_apps'): request.updated_apps.add_top(self.parent)
########################################################################## ############ Events ###################################################### ##########################################################################
[docs] def changed_event(self): """ Event called when the control value is changed. """ pass
def about_to_show_contextmenu_event(self): pass ############################################################################ ############ Properties #################################################### ############################################################################ ########################################################################## # Set the Control enabled or disabled @property def enabled(self): """ Set the control enabled or disabled. """ return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): if self._enabled!=value: self._enabled = value self.mark_to_update_client() ########################################################################## # Return or update the value of the control @property def value(self): """ Set or return de control value. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): oldvalue = self._value if oldvalue!=value: self._value = value self.mark_to_update_client() self.changed_event() @property def name(self): """ Set or return the name of the control. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): if self._name!=value: self.mark_to_update_client() self._name = value ########################################################################## # Return or update the label of the Control @property def label(self): """ Set or return the label of the control. """ return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): if self._label!=value: self.mark_to_update_client() self._label = value ########################################################################## # Parent window @property def parent(self): """ Set or return the control window. """ return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): if self._parent!=value: self.mark_to_update_client() self._parent = value ############################################################################ @property def visible(self): """ Set if the control is visible. """ return self._visible @property def help(self): """ Set or return the help text of the control. """ return self._help.replace('\n', '&#013;') if self._help else '' @property def error(self): """ Set or return the error of the control. """ return self._error @error.setter def error(self, value): if value!=self._error: self.mark_to_update_client() self._error = value @property def label_visible(self): """ Set or return the label visibility of the control. """ return self._label_visible @label_visible.setter def label_visible(self, value): if value!=self._label_visible: self.mark_to_update_client() self._label_visible = value @property def readonly(self): """ Set or return the control readonly mode. """ return not self.enabled @readonly.setter def readonly(self, value): self.enabled = not value @property def css(self): """ Set or return the extra css of the control. """ return self._css @css.setter def css(self, value): if value!=self._css: self.mark_to_update_client() self._css = value @property def field_css(self): """ Set or return the extra css of the field div that encapsulates the control. """ return self._field_css @field_css.setter def field_css(self, value): if value!=self._css: self.mark_to_update_client() self._field_css = value @property def style(self): """ Set or return the style of the control. """ return self._style @style.setter def style(self, value): if value: self.mark_to_update_client() self._style = value @property def field_style(self): """ Set or return the style of the field div that encapsulate the control. """ return self._field_style @field_style.setter def field_style(self, value): if value: self.mark_to_update_client() self._field_style = value ########################################################################## ############ Properties just for the WEB version ######################### ########################################################################## @property def control_id(self): """ Return the control id. """ return "{0}-{1}".format(self._parent.uid, @property def place_id(self): """ Return the place control id. """ return 'place-'+self.control_id @property def was_updated(self): """ Return the if the control is marked as updated. """ return self._update_client