
The BaseWidget is used to organise a set of forms Controls. It can be used as a main window, or as a panel that can be included inside of others BaseWidgets.

This class inherit from the PyQt QFrame.

Usage example:

class SimpleExample(BaseWidget):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleExample,self).__init__('Simple example')

        #Definition of the forms fields
        self._firstname     = ControlText('First name', 'Default value')
        self._middlename    = ControlText('Middle name')
        self._lastname      = ControlText('Lastname name')
        self._fullname      = ControlText('Full name')
        self._button        = ControlButton('Press this button')

        #Define the organization of the forms
        self.formset = ['_firstname','_middlename','_lastname', '_fullname', '_button', ' ']
        #The ' ' is used to indicate that a empty space should be placed at the bottom of the window
        #If you remove the ' ' the forms will occupy the entire window

        #Define the button action
        self._button.value = self.__buttonAction

    def __buttonAction(self):
        """Button action event"""
        self._fullname.value = self._firstname.value +" "+ self._middlename.value + \
        " "+ self._lastname.value


__init__(title='Untitled', parent_win=None, win_flag=None)

title - Title of the window.
parent_win - Parent widget. If the win_flag is None and the parent parameters is set, then the flag_win will be QtCore.Qt.Dialog.
win_flag - Window type flag. Type of Qt.WindowType.



Initialize the QFrame, the Controls and its events.


Calls the init_form() function and shows the BaseWidget.


The functions sets the window margin.


Open a save file dialog, and saves the window's controls data into the selected file, in the JSON format.


Opens a open file dialog, and calls the function load_form_filename().


Load the window data from a filename.

filename - Path to the file to load.

save_form(data, path=None)

Receives a dictionary, and stores all the BaseWidget's controls data on it.

data - Dictionary with where the of the BaseWidget and their child controls should be stored. path - Path where the basewidget data should be stored.

load_form(data, path=None)

Load the Window Controls data from a dictionary.

data - Dictionary with the data of the BaseWidget and their child controls. path - Path where the basewidget data should be loaded.

User interface functions

You will probably never use these functions directly, but they are here so you can understand how the BaseWidgets layout is generated.


It is used to interpret a formset dictionary.
It returns a QTabWidget with the BaseWidget's controls organized in the structure defined by the formsetdict variable.

formsetdict -Dictionary describing the organization of the returning QTabWidget.


    "a:Player": ['_threshold', "_player", "=", "_results", "_query"], 
    "b:Background image": [(' ', '_selectBackground', '_paintBackground'), '_image']

Note: To sort the dictionary elements, we can use the format '[some characters]:[Tab name]' to order the tabs. The generate_tabs function will use the component [some characters] to order alphabetically the tabs. Only the component [Tab name] will be shown in the tab title.


It is used to interpret a formset list.
It returns a QWidget with the controls organized in the structure defined by the formset variable.

formset - variable describing the organization of the forms Controls in the QWidget.


    'info:Some title',
    'h1:Some title',
    'h2:Some title',
    'h3:Some title',
    'h4:Some title',
    'h5:Some title',
    (' ','free text', ' '),
    ('_video', '_arenas', '_run'), 
        "Player": ['_threshold', "_player", "=", "_results", "_query"], 
        "Background image": [(' ', '_selectBackground', '_paintBackground'), '_image']



Event called before the window is closed.



Returns a boolean indicating if the form has called the init_form() function or not.


This property is used to define the organization of the controls in the BaseWidget.
When is not defined, the BaseWidget will generate this property automatically.


self.formset = [
    'info:Some title',
    'h1:Some title',
    'h2:Some title',
    'h3:Some title',
    'h4:Some title',
    'h5:Some title',
    (' ','free text', ' '),
    ('_video', '_arenas', '_run'), 
        "Player": ['_threshold', "_player", "=", "_results", "_query"], 
        "Background image": [(' ', '_selectBackground', '_paintBackground'), '_image']

Tuple: Displays the controls horizontally.
List: Displays the controls vertically.
Dict: Displays the controls in a tab widget.
'||': Split the controls horizontally.
'=': Split the controls vertically.
' ': It creates an empty space. It can be used to align Controls to one expecific side.
info:, h1:, h2:, h3:, h4:, h5:: Is used to write some text in the interface with diferent sizes.
free text - It is possible also to write some free text.


It returns a dictionary with all the controls in the BaseWidget.


It return the main QFrame of the BaseWidget.


Get or sets the BaseWidget title.

Get or sets the Application main menu.


self.mainmenu = [
        { 'File': [
                {'Save as': self.save_window, 'icon': 'path-to-image.png'},
                {'Open as': self.load_window, 'icon': QtGui.QIcon('path-to-image.png')},
                {'Exit': self.__exit},

'-': Use the minus sign to create a split bar in the menu.


It defines the controls that should be saved or loaded by the functions save_form and load_form, and the order in which it should be done.

self.load_order = ['_control1', '_control2']


Gets or sets a unique id of the window.


Gets or sets the window visibility.