Convert the application to run in the terminal

The next code produces this Window:

Person applications

import pyforms
from pyforms            import BaseWidget
from pyforms.controls   import ControlText
from pyforms.controls   import ControlButton
from Person             import Person

class PersonWindow(Person, BaseWidget):

    def __init__(self):
        Person.__init__(self, '', '', '')
        BaseWidget.__init__(self,'Person window')
        self.parent = None

        #Definition of the forms fields
        self._firstnameField    = ControlText('First name')
        self._middlenameField   = ControlText('Middle name')
        self._lastnameField     = ControlText('Lastname name')
        self._fullnameField     = ControlText('Full name')
        self._buttonField       = ControlButton('Press this button')

        #Define the button action
        self._buttonField.value = self.buttonAction

        self.formset = ['_firstnameField', '_middlenameField', '_lastnameField', 
            (' ','_buttonField', ' '), ' ']

    def buttonAction(self):
        self._firstName  = self._firstnameField.value
        self._middleName = self._middlenameField.value
        self._lastName  = self._lastnameField.value
        self._fullnameField.value = self.fullName

        #In case the window has a parent
        if self.parent!=None: self.parent.addPerson(self)

#Execute the application
if __name__ == "__main__":   pyforms.start_app( PersonWindow )

But if we create the file in the same directory of the application, and we add to it the next code:


The application will behave as a terminal application where the parameters are the names of the variables in the application class.

Type the next code in the terminal:

python --help

You will obtain the next screen:
People applications

Now we can set the parameters and use the parameter exec to define the functions and the execution order we want:

On this case:

python --_firstnameField "Jonh" --_middlenameField "Middle" --_lastnameField "White"  --exec "buttonAction|printFullName"

The function buttonAction is called first and the function printFullName is called after.

Check out the result:
People applications

Note: Not all the Controls are implemented for the TERMINAL mode. Please check the sign Terminal ready in the API to know which ones are.